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Land of martyrs

In the early Christian times, Jordan was the destination and refuge of tens of thousands of Christians, being a sacred land with the sanctity of prophets and martyrs, sacred by Mr. Christ, who lived in it for a lifetime, and made in it with his glorious supernatural sovereignty and miracles. With Roman persecution, Jordan's soil was sanctified by the blood of thousands of martyrs, where many of their names are mentioned and preserved in the history of the church.


The history of the Church states that Jordan's soil was sanctified by the blood of martyrs who approached to the death to defend their faith and religion, and that tens of thousands of saints and monks lived in the wilderness of Jordan to pray and worship to God.

"The blood of martyrs is the seed of Christianity", and the seed of Christianity in Jordan dates back to its first generations, where the Romanian State persecuted them, so they closed their doors in order to perform worship due to God, and they went to caves and cemeteries to perform the duty of collective prayer, and we have in the cave of the Latin monastery in the town of Ader- Kerak governorate, the biggest proof is that the crosses date back to the end of the first generation or to the beginning of the second generation of Christianity, which is considered one of the oldest Christian monuments in the Christian world.

The Church's history mentions many martyrs in Jordan, for example but not limited to, in Petra: Bishop Esterius; In Kerak: Diodores and Theophanos; In Beit Ras (Capitolias): the priest Boutros; In Umm Qais (Jedara): the deacon Zakaria and his colleague Alphonse from Ledd; In Tabakat Fahel (Bella): the deacon Zakaria during the reign of Emperor Decolsianus. History also mentions the martyrs of Al Qrayyat and the Wadi Araba.

In Amman, Philadelphia, history has mentioned a number of martyrs, including Kerles, Aquila, Boutros, Provis, Munthar, Diodress and Alianos. Historians mentioned in detail the martyrdom of Xenon and Zenas, who were martyred in Amman on June 23, 304, at the time of Emperor Mexianos. Jordan's Christian Martyrs' Day is celebrated on 23 June each year.


Christian Martyrs in Faynan

Historian Eusebius of Caesarea stated that many countless admittees of the Christian faith, brought them to the copper mines of Palestine, acted so boldly even they built places of worship. However, the governor of the territory was a cruel evil man, who chose the four who appeared to be the commanders, and sent them to the armies' commander in that territory, who in his role instructed them to deny faith, and when they refused; he sentenced them to death by burning. He also stated that, also Sulphanus had martyred there, the bishop of Gaza, along with thirty-nine others, Bishop Bilius and Bishop Nelos, who were burned, and priest Pamville of Caesarea City.

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